Environmental commitment / Sustainability programme

There is much more to Varaderos del Sur than our commitment to offer our customers specialised, first-rate services. Our company cares about the health of our planet and our actions on it. This is why we have developed a sustainability programme, whose primary goal is to proactively take responsibility for all the activities taking place within our facilities.

Our team as a whole carries out their tasks sustainably in order to prevent and minimise any potentially negative environmental impact.In short, we aim to follow a steady improvement of our corporate activities so that they become as environmentally friendly as possible. Let’s take care of our planet for a better future.


We have an environmentally friendly water use. We save large amounts of water thanks to double discharge tanks and flow reducers. Our taps and toilets use less than 6 litres/minute, and our showers less than 9 litres/minute.


Let’s protect our seas. Our boatyard is surrounded by grids connected to a separated collecting tank, from which the water used to clean the boats is brought to the treatment system.


Let’s save our marine flora and fauna. We carry out yearly campaigns to raise awareness among sailors and users about the importance of keeping our coasts, seas and oceans free of plastic pollution. We are a member of a campaign lead by APBA regarding the reduction of single-use plastics.


Let’s optimise our waste management. We have containers for a selective collection of urban waste, together with two recycling centres, where an authorised company handles hazardous waste.


Always up-to-date. Since the very building stage of the Marina, we have implemented an Environmental Management System (according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard). We have signed a Good Environmental Practices agreement with APBA, through which we reinvest a percentage of our annual revenue in environmental improvements.


The sun is our source of energy. We have a 420-m2 photovoltaic plant with which we generate renewable energy. Saving resources and protecting our environment are among our priorities.


Less is more. As a corporation, calculating our carbon footprint is an essential factor for us to develop a climate protection strategy.


Let’s raise awareness to protect future generations. Our commitment to the health of our planet, featured by our safety measures and environmental education tools, has allowed us to be awarded the Blue Flag for the ninth consecutive year.


Corporate social responsibility. Our commitment goes beyond our facilities – we take social responsibility for the environment and the people around us.


Should you have any queries about our services, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the following online form. We are happy to help you any time. Thank you for trusting our team at Varaderos del Sur.

Phone: (+34) 956 182 859 / (+34) 681 339 050
E-mail: info@varaderosdelsur.com

  • In accordance with the provisions of the Spanish Ley Orgánica 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of personal data (LOPD), the customer/user is informed about the incorporation of their data into a file for which Gestión De Varaderos Del Sur S.L., TIN B72206659, is responsible when using it in order to provide information about their services. The customer/user is also hereby informed about their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, which can be claimed in writing and attaching their ID at the registered office of Gestión de Varaderos S.L., via email sent to info@varaderosdelsur.info and subject line specifying the right in question, or via regular mail sent to Plaza Mayor (pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro Esquina Psje. San Jose), 3, San Roque, 11360, Cádiz.